“RE plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and the
virtues of respect and empathy, which are important in our diverse society.” Ofsted

At Marleigh, we teach Religious Education (RE) using Cambridgeshire’s Agreed Syllabus, which was reviewed in 2023. This guides teachers about what should be taught across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It states that the RE curriculum should be based around Christianity, the five other major religions, and Humanism.

We aim for an experiential and enquiry approach where children can ask questions. We will begin with their lived experiences and those of others in the Marleigh community, moving outwards in order for children to gain a ‘sense of place’ as well as a ‘worldview’.

RE overview 2023-24

Autumn Spring Summer
KS1 How do we celebrate special times? How should we care for others and the world? What can we learn from sacred books & places?
KS2 What does it mean to be a Christian?/ Hinduism What can we learn from religions about deciding right and wrong? / Why do some people think life is a journey? Why do some people think life is a journey? /

What does it mean to be a Muslim?

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