‘Mathematics … possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty.’ Bertrand Russell

Our mathematics curriculum is based on materials from White Rose Maths. Our aim is for all children to enjoy and excel in maths as they gain increasing fluency in their understanding of number, measure and geometry, learning to apply this depth of knowledge when solving a wide range of problems across our inter-disciplinary emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths).

Principles of Pedagogy Informing Our Curriculum Implementation

  1. As mathematics is hierarchical, children’s acquisition of new learning is dependent on their prior learning, lived experiences and their understanding of maths vocabulary. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Teachers assess what children already know, to inform planning for progress.
    • Curriculum progression maps identify how learning develops over time.
    • Planning helps teachers to identify when and how to revisit or introduce key vocabulary.
  1. Many concepts in mathematics are abstract, but practical experiences with manipulative resources and the use of pictorial representations can help children to develop their conceptual understanding. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Teachers plan for practical experiences to enable children to understand mathematical concepts.
    • The Calculations Policy shows how manipulative resources will help children to develop procedural fluency with the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  1. The fluent recall of key facts (including number bonds and multiplication tables) enables children to solve mental and written calculations more easily. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Children have daily opportunities to develop their understanding of number sense, including the acquisition and recall of key facts.
    • Long-term planning outlines key facts to be taught and revisited each term.
    • The Calculations Policy shows which mental methods and formal calculation procedures are taught in each phase of the school.
  1. Children learn new concepts more easily when ideas are broken into smaller steps; and then this learning is revisited and applied in familiar contexts. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Curriculum planning introduces new learning in small steps, with key concepts (or ‘big ideas’) highlighted to help teachers to know which objectives to spend more time on and revisit.
    • Children revisit and apply new learning by solving problems in familiar contexts.
    • Systematic revisiting of prior learning through ‘Flashback’ tasks.
  1. To apply understanding and solve increasingly complex problems, children must work with increasing independence and learn to use strategies for solving problems. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Teachers use worked examples to demonstrate calculation and problem-solving strategies.
    • Tasks structured by procedural variation enable children to notice patterns, understand mathematical structures and solve problems with increasing independence.
    • Children are taught to consider and choose between different available strategies.
    • Children have frequent opportunities to solve mathematical problems and evaluate the effectiveness of their chosen strategies.
  1. Use of structured and timely interventions can provide identified pupils with additional support. Therefore, at Marleigh:
    • Teachers use formative assessment to provide feedback and support as soon as is possible.
    • Children who require additional support, participate in structured intervention programs led by teachers and teaching assistants with the necessary subject knowledge.
    • Curriculum organisation

Maths overview 2023-24



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