‘To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world’ Chinese Proverb

Children are taught French from Years 3 to 6. We use the Language Angels scheme of work, taught for 20 minute sessions two days a week.

Children develop language skills across the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing, linking their learning to other areas of the curriculum such as maths and geography. We also focus on the ‘three pillars of progression’: phonics, grammar and vocabulary. We want all children to find language learning enjoyable as they gain confidence and curiosity.

French overview 2023-24

Autumn Spring Summer
Year 3/4 Shapes / Fruits Animals / Musical instruments Habitats / At the café
Year 5/6 Clothes / Olympics Pets / Healthy living Planets / At the weekend


French overview 2022-23

Autumn Spring Summer
Year 3/4 Phonics / I’m learning French I can / Ancient Britain In class / Habitats
Year 5/6 Phonics / the date / weather Family / Home At school / Me in the world

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